Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ian Hibell R.I.P.

I learned this from this week's Economist. Mr. Hibell, the author of Into Remote Places (1984), was a near full-time cyclist who literally rode around the world several times. According to this week's obituary, in 40 years of cycling he encountered: hot desert sand; vicious mosquitoes; a great variety of jungles and swamps; many tricky traverses requiring two tries: one to figure out how to get across, a second to get the bike; a spear-throwing Turkana in Kenya; rocky tracks in Peru; soldier ants; real soldiers; sleet that cut his face like metal; all, I'm sure, among many other difficult challenges. So how did he die--prematurely--last month? Why, by getting hit by a car, of course. (And, also not surprising, rather unnecessarily: knocked out of the way by a car apparently chasing another).

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