Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No Way to be a Hard Man

Today is the third consecutive work day that for some reason I've taken the train to the city. Also skipped the Sunday ride. This morning was the saddest case because hearing the rain hit the window at 6:30 and seeing much activity on the weather radar, I decided against riding in (we happen to have a car this week). I got my punishment almost immediately, as I had to sit in a traffic jam less than three miles into the drive to the train station. As if that wasn't enough, it hardly rained at all during what would have been my hour on the bike. I could have run into a shower or two, but nothing particularly horrible. How sad. I feel like Martin Sheen in the opening scenes of Apocalypse Now (every day I'm here in this hotel room, I'm getting softer; while every day Charlie, out there in the jungle, is getting tougher--or words to that effect: there's your Cold War angle for the day). I think I'm beginning to look fat too.


Buzzwindrip said...

Misery loves company; I completely understand.

Ruud van Dijk said...

things are looking up again: had a nice, dry ride to work this morning