Thursday, March 4, 2010

Barack Baines Obama

Did an op-ed this week about where health care reform is headed after Obama's summit with the Republicans. First I take the Economist to task for that one-sided editorial ten days ago (Washington isn't broken, it's the politicians, especially Obama; with the implication that "if only" the president had reached out to Republicans, there could have been a lot more progress--gimme a break), then I essentially argue that Obama needs to emulate Lyndon Johnson as much as he can if he wants a health care reform bill passed this spring. Get on the phone and flatter, cajole, intimidate, and bribe to assemble the required number of votes. I'd write more, but I'm packing for a little spring training in Tuscany. (It sounds casual, but it will be my first time--there will be a report in a week or so).

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