Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's America--It's About the Government

I just sent in an op-ed on the Arizona immigration law, the "birther" bill passed by the Arizona House at the same time, and the nature of the popular resistance against the Obama administration (Tea Party movement and such). It's complicated (the links aren't always direct, if they exist at all), but the president's problem is deeper than a failure to explain his policies to the American people, as witness not just the administration's modest poll numbers, but also the poll showing Americans' faith in government near an all-time low. Instead, Obama's opponents believe there to be rather fundamental political differences between themselves and the administration, mostly about the proper role of government. They want a smaller, more frugal government; Obama rather emphasizes everything the government ought to do. A better public relations strategy will only get you so far in a situation like this. More important are results that prove your critics wrong, like an economic recovery with jobs. That may bring some of the moderate critics around enough for Democratic losses in November to remain limited. I will link to the piece once I see it on-line somwhere.

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