Saturday, July 19, 2008

Coffee ride

They belong, even during the racing season. I'm not having any kind of racing season at all, but thank goodness we've kept the coffee rides going. This morning just three of us, breaking no rules on the way to Thiensville (small ring only; no sweating); then we had nice weather on the patio (one power scone for the whole table); and on the way home some nice, warm rain. We made a detour onto the campus of Concordia University to see if any St. Louis Rams had arrived yet, and discovered this nice path going up the bluff. First we rode a different path down, one switchbacking about a dozen times around a long stairway, then while riding along the waterfront, we saw this strip of asphalt set against the hillside up ahead. The grade probably is between 10 and 15%, and it's no longer than 200-300 meters, but the path still reminded me of these narrow little roads you see in the Ardennes or Zuid-Limburg: you could, if you really had to, probably get through with a car, but it's really not built for that. At the risk of creating tension between the Concordia and cycling communities, I'll say that it would be a pretty good spot for hill repeats (as long as you're patient on the way down).

1 comment:

Jim Michler said...

How many hill repeats would I need to do to train for vusiting you in Holland?