Friday, July 18, 2008

Something useful someone could do

This story today on msnbc, about how many people with little experience riding bikes in traffic are doing just that (because of high gas prices), and the sometimes hairy situations this creates.
Here's how an experienced bike commuter could make a little money on the side and/or provide a useful service: pair up with a bike shop and organize bike commuting clinics on weekend days. You could make it very elaborate, but basically you'd share your experience from basic bike handling skills, to fundamentals about equipment (get a damn flasher, get two, no three--for crying out loud; and what the hell do you think you're doing here without a decent helmet?), to where to ride in traffic (and where not) and how. If I wasn't moving to Europe, I might just do it myself. I think that even without high gas prices there is a good number of people who on many days really would prefer to ride a bike for short commutes and other errands. Few U.S. cities, however, make it easy, and, of course, few Americans grow up riding bikes the way for example the Dutch do. And there is the little matter of many drivers not enjoying sharing the road with bikes (and in some situations, you can't blame them). But it's changing, and it can be done. Now I'm almost sorry I'm moving away.

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