Wednesday, July 30, 2008

From O'Hare

We're separating ourselves from Milwaukee and the U.S. as we speak, even though it doesn't feel that way yet. Instead, our trip right now feels more like a regular summer trip. At the same time, there has been this strange (but happy) change of perspective: for most of the past two years, we really believed it was time for a change, one that probably would involve a move away from Milwaukee. So we were looking forward to it. But then came the past couple of weeks with one farewell after the other, and now we looking back with rather mixed feelings. We're still excited about our European adventure, but we're also a bit sad to leave our friends. As for other feelings, I'm certainly still sore from dozens of trips up and down our various stairs in the past couple of days. That first ride in Holland this weekend is going to hurt too.

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