Friday, July 4, 2008

Keeping a blog?

Today I was told that one function of a blog is to keep your friends apprised of what you're doing, especially if you don't live close. I was also strongly encouraged to write frequent updates, especially after our upcoming move. That would be one definition of believing that you have something to say, which seems to me a major reason to keep a blog. That, and being interested in communication with others. Leaving it to updates about your own life, however, is also a rather limited definition, unless you cover all significant aspects, which in my case would include thinking about history and current events. I'll think about it some more.


monad man said...

Look at it this way. You can educate all your ami friends of current events that happen outside the States.

Mike said...

Welcome to your new 2nd job!

monad man said...

come on slacker